Get Happiness? Stop Daydreaming!

English: Robert Dilts (born 1955) has been a d...

English: Robert Dilts (born 1955) has been a developer, author, trainer and consultant in the field of Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) since its creation in 1975 by John Grinder and Richard Bandler. Français : Robert Dilts (né en 1955) est développeur, auteur, formateur et consultant en Programmation Neuro-Linguistique (PNL) depuis sa création en 1975 par John Grinder et Richard Bandler. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Meditating in Madison Square Park, Manhattan, ...

Meditation in Madison Square Park, Manhattan, New York City (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

What’s Stopping You?
Everybody wants to be Happy. Here is an excellent article about Happiness. It points out things that cause unhappy thoughts and feelings. It  covers the causes but it doesn’t tell you how to put things right. On this blog The Happy People work on how to prevent unhappiness and how to build Happiness in your life. To do this we use use Behaviour Modification, the latest Neuroscience research and Neuro Linguistic Programming. That is a bit of a mouthful, isn’t it? But don’t be put off. We also use Meditation.
Meditation is one of the simplest and easiest and most powerful tools you can use to get rid of unhappy feelings and replace them with Happiness.
Who Leads The Happy People?
I have been Meditating for more than 40 years. I officially registered Liverpool’s first Meditation Church 30 years ago, so I know how Meditation can lead you to a happier life. I am also a Master Practitioner in Neuro Linguistic Programming.
So What Is Stopping Me Being Happy?
I have put some excerpts from the article below in italics. Make sure that you read the full article. There is a link to it at the bottom of the article.
One of the problems of building up a Happy lifestyle is that you (and everybody else) has great difficulty in focussing on what you want and staying focussed. Meditation is perfect for this and the other tools I mentioned above work with it perfectly.
This article was written by two top men men from Harvard University in America. The research done was wide and well conducted.

People spend 46.9 percent of their waking hours thinking about something other than what they’re doing, and this mind-wandering typically makes them unhappy………..
“A human mind is a wandering mind, and a wandering mind is an unhappy mind,” Killingsworth and Gilbert write.
Unlike other animals, humans spend a lot of time thinking about what isn’t going on around them: contemplating events that happened in the past, might happen in the future, or may never happen at all. Indeed, mind-wandering appears to be the human brain’s default mode of operation.

Me: As I said above, one of the methods that the Happy People use to build Happiness is Meditation. We have other ways that do not use Meditation but Meditation is so easy to learn and do. The type we do is non religious. It empties your mind and allows it to stop thinking and, as this research shows, thinking can make you unhappy. Our meditation teaches you how to focus on what you are doing which brings you a positive feeling and after a Meditation session you are left with a positive, happy feeling. (As well as Meditation we also learn the psychology of Happiness and the physical behaviours that also lead to it.)
Here are more points that are mentioned in the article.

respondents reported that their minds were wandering 46.9 percent of time, and no less than 30 percent of the time during every activity except making love.

Me: Stop thinking negative thoughts, make love instead. LOL

Killingsworth and Gilbert, a professor of psychology at Harvard, found that people were happiest when making love, exercising, or engaging in conversation. They were least happy when resting, working, or using a home computer.

Me; So there you have it. The perfect life plan. Start NOW! Go to the gym. Make love. Chat to people.
Don’t lie in bed (thinking?), don’t work and don’t use home computers (?????YIKES!) LOL

whereas a person’s mind-wandering status accounted for about 10.8 percent of his or her happiness………….

“Many philosophical and religious traditions teach that happiness is to be found by living in the moment, and practitioners are trained to resist mind wandering and to ‘be here now,’” Killingsworth and Gilbert note in Science. “These traditions suggest that a wandering mind is an unhappy mind.” 

Me: Please note that The Happy People are not a philosophical or religious group. The Meditation goes above that to a higher level.

Killingsworth and Gilbert’s 2,250 subjects in this study ranged in age from 18 to 88, representing a wide range of socioeconomic backgrounds and occupations. Seventy-four percent of study participants were American.

So why not join The Happy People, it is FREE and will lead to more Happiness in your life. As soon as you start you will see the improvements that you want in your life!
My next blog will also cover this area of how YOU stop Happiness happening in Your life and how to defeat this negative part of your behaviour.

Love, Peace and Happiness,

Here is the link:-

via Wandering mind not a happy mind | Harvard Gazette.

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