Six Ways To Make Sure You Do Have A GOOD Day!

1) Look forward to something: This one seems key to me. Anticipation is one of the most joyous states of mind, and there is always something to look forward to even if it is just finishing something.

2) Commit conscious acts of kindness: Remove the fog of self absorbed ego Focus on others and their needs. |You lose your own troubles and enjoy pleasure of helping others lose theirs.

3)  Exercise: Make sure you do plenty of moving around. Endorphins kick in when we get the blood rushing, cardio drives oxygen to the brain and activity stimulates our sense of well-being.

4) Do at least one thing you enjoy doing. Even if it’s only a word puzzle.

5) Meditate: Clear your head of all the clutter. It means allowing the mind to not be focused at all and taking it to a place of complete relaxation. Better in the early morning because it sets the mind for the rest of the day. It helps to recharge the brain and relieve anxiety and worry, two very bad opponents of a happy life.

6) Spend money but not on things: It is the things we do, and not the things we have, that we can take with us when we go.

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One thought on “Six Ways To Make Sure You Do Have A GOOD Day!

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